International Conference on Renewable Mobility: Broad spectrum of technology options shapes experts’ discussions on increased climate change mitigation in the transportation and haulage sectors
Today marks the end of the 18th International Conference on Renewable Mobility “Fuels of the Future 2021”, which was held in digital format for the first time from 18th to 22nd January 2021. The conference organisers and partners were very satisfied with the event’s impact. Attendance levels, with a total of 560 participants, underscore the importance of this annual conference as one of the top national and international communication platforms for the entire fuel sector, the automotive industry, professional associations, the world of science and, last but not least, for policy-makers. The diverse range of renewable mobility topics addressed in the presentations and discussions over the five days of the conference highlights the broad spectrum of available technological options, all of which should be utilised as consistently as possible to boost climate change mitigation in the transport sector.
In a total of 15 forums, over 70 experts from the biofuel sector, the mineral oil, automotive and chemical industries, the mobility, logistics and transport sector, as well as scientists and politicians presented strategies, concepts and measures for greater climate change mitigation in the transport sector and entered into in-depth discussions with conference participants on these topics. Participants noted as one key insight that, in a spirit of openness to technological options, all potential technologies, especially those available now, must be utilised when tackling the urgent challenges facing climate protection in the transport sector. Sustainable biofuels and renewable fuels will in future be vitally important for effective climate change mitigation and are indispensable as a complement to sustainable e-mobility.
The findings presented at the conference confirmed that a broad spectrum of technologies and solutions for renewable mobility are ripe for market launch. Suitable promotion measures will be needed with a view to rapid exploitation of their potential, just as the regulatory framework in Germany and the EU must also be designed accordingly.
Experts at the conference were unanimous in emphasising that climate change mitigation, implementation of the energy transition in the transport sector and the associated complex transformation process constitute major challenges for society, not least when it comes to consumer acceptance. In coming years this conference will continue to offer a central communication and discussion platform for all industry players to address the pressing issues involved in renewable mobility and effective climate protection in the transport sector.
The 19th Conference on Renewable Mobility “Fuels of the Future 2022” will be held on 24th and 25th January 2022 in Berlin. Further information is available at: www.fuels-of-the-future.com/en
Contact information of the conference organizers:
Bundesverband Bioenergie e.V. (BBE)
Servatiusstrasse 53 53175 Bonn
Tel.: 0228/81002-22
Fax: 0228/81002-58
Union zur Förderung von Öl- und Proteinpflanzen e.V. (UFOP)
Claire-Waldoff-Str. 7
10117 Berlin
Tel.: 030/31904-202
Fax: 030/ 31904-4 85
Bundesverband der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft (BDBe)
Reinhardtstraße 16
10117 Berlin
Tel.: 030/3012953-0
Fax: 030/ 3012953-10
Verband der deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V. (VDB)
Am Weidendamm 1A
10117 Berlin
Tel.: 030 – 72 62 59 11
Fax: 030 – 72 62 59 19
Fachverband Biogas e.V. (FvB)
Angerbrunnenstraße 12
85356 Freising
Tel. 08161 984660
Fax 08161 984670